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article-1187281-05151365000005DC-980_634x429So you think putting your leg behind your head or balancing on your hands isn’t extreme enough? Try doing it on a BMX bike! Every six months or so, some flexible adrenaline junkie surfaces and catches the attention of the inter/national media. Last year, it was that slacker guy who could sit in lotus pose on a tightrope (via this Wall Street Journal article).

This week, it’s Khiv Raj Gurjar, a 61-year-old yogi/bodybuilder/cyclist/adventure addict who lives in India. Every morning at dawn, he rides his BMX bike to a rocky outcrop near his home and does these yoga-esque poses on his bike near the edge of the cliff.

A student of yoga since the age of 13 and a keen sportsman, Khiv has combined his other great love, cycling, to create his new and extreme form.

‘From my childhood I was passionate to do things which are extraordinary and look very dangerous,’ says Khiv.

‘I tried magic, learned acrobatics, yoga, did cycling, played football.

‘As I grew into my twenties I found combining yoga and cycling stunts would be something very unconventional, but also deeply challenging.’ [via the Daily Mail UK]

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